Black All Black | All Things Black

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Article: Man Repeller

There’s a really interesting article by Harling Ross of Man Repeller about black in fashion and how 2019 might be the year for a resurgence of black. Obviously, we’re always in black, but it’s nice when people acknowledge the power of wearing black. Although wearing all black might seem lazy at first, we do it for a handful of reasons.

The concept of the blackALLblack uniform (as we refer to it) was mainly born from our desire to simplify. In a culture where consumerism is almost forced upon us and keeping up with trends is demanded, limiting our wardrobe to black reduces our tendency to buy while insuring we’re still somewhat fashionable. Black is timeless. As the Ross article reinforces, the color black can’t technically “come back” as it’s never really left.

But why black? Why not white or tan or red or blue? For one, black is way easier to match with itself. Trying to match shades of colors would be pretty difficult. Secondly, black can be multiple things at once: humble, bold, unassuming, daring. You can stick out and blend in all at once.

The blackALLblack brand is an extension of these thoughts applied to everything, not just fashion, in an attempt to minimize our choices. In that sense, picking black is empowering. It’s kind of a middle finger to the idea that we have to be on trend to be cool. It’s the minimalist’s color of choice. Don’t get us wrong, we do have a couple pieces of clothing that are colored, and our home isn’t completely blacked out. We’re living in America, we can’t fully escape the grasp of good advertising. But we’re trying.

Read the Man Repeller article HERE